Israel Defense Forces Statement about Arab Bank’s Operation in Palestinian Territories

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is Israel’s military force and is responsible for the defense of the State of Israel from external threats, as well as preventing and combating acts of terrorism directed against Israel. As part of its mission, the IDF collects intelligence and regularly conducts investigations into suspected terrorists and their supporters.

On February 26, 2004, the IDF conducted counter terrorism operations in the Palestinian Territories. As part of those operations, the IDF seized bank records and funds of customers from Arab Bank’s Ramallah branch and conducted similar operations at other banks, including two branches of the Cairo-Amman Bank.

In September 2009, after having five years to review the findings of the 2004 operation, the IDF stated that the seizure of bank records and funds from the Bank’s Ramallah branch “was not based on information that indicated that the Bank or any of its employees were involved in any way whatsoever in terrorist activities, or funded terrorism.” The IDF also clarified that “… neither the IDF nor the Israeli Defense Authorities have any intention of taking steps against the Arab Bank for involvement in terrorist acts or in funding terrorism.”

IDF clears Ramallah bank of terror involvement Ha’aretz April 13, 2010

IDF Letter by ArabBankFacts