Arab Bank released the following statement in response to today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision denying the Bank’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Linde v. Arab Bank, PLC. The Bank’s petition asked the Court to review whether the Second Circuit …
Posts Tagged: Sanctions
Let Global Banking Bloom
National Review Online
June 25, 2014
C. Dean McGrath, Jr.
The Framers of our Constitution wisely gave control of foreign policy to the political branches — the president and Congress. By and large, the judiciary was not part of the …
When trial lawyers do foreign policy
Washington Times
June 24, 2014
Edward Gnehm, former
U.S. Ambassador to Jordan Actions have consequences, and sometimes those consequences are both unanticipated and potentially disastrous. This may be the case as the result of a recent federal court ruling that …